My 5 New Year Resolutions for 2023


I am obsessed with goal setting, it FUELS me.  I hate the feeling of not having direction, or anything to look forward to in life.  Pregnant or not, I always set goals for the year, and each month. I love writing my goals down, and sharing it with you to keep me accountable.  I know it can get a little redundant hearing everyone’s goals for the year, but to be honest, I kind of like it. I have really enjoyed reading my friends New Year Resolutions, so I thought I’d share some of my own.  I’d love to hear yours, so please inspire me in the comments below!

Here are my 5 New Year Resolutions for 2023

  1. Read more: Over the last couple of years, I’ve realized that reading right before bed doesn’t work for me.  I get way too sleepy, and after a busy day I just want to shut my brain off and have a hot bath, chat with my hubby or watch some Netflix. I know that the best way for me to get my reading in is to keep a book on me at all times, and read in between clients and when I just need a break. I get SO much more reading done this way.
  2. Continue to grow my business: I am so thankful for the progress that I have made with My Reward Fitness over the past several years, but with everything in life you have to continue to put work into something if you want it to grow.  With being pregnant and moving into a new chapter of having a baby, it will be really easy to put my business on the back burner and get a little lazy with it.  I do not want to see that happen! I’ve worked way too hard to get me where I am.  That’s why I am setting specific goals now to carry me through the year.  I am working on new projects, setting up my team to prepare me for success.  Don’t get me wrong, I am aware of the challenges and lifestyle changes that will happen with late pregnancies and a newborn, but I am also trying to be mindful of ways that I can continue to grow my business without being physically present.
  3. Implement intuitive eating: I am so used to being on specific nutrition programs, and constantly aiming to make some kind of physical progress that being pregnant and having no structure has been a huge adjustment for me.  The best way for me to stay healthy (both physically and mentally), is to enforce intuitive eating – eat when I’m hungry, and stop prior to getting full.  I want to listen to my body, if I am craving a burger, maybe I need more Iron. If I have a sweet tooth, I will cut up some fruit or have a square of dark chocolate.
  4. Pray and meditate daily: You know when you know something is so good for you, and you’ll feel a million times better after you do it… but you just don’t do it?? That is what prayer and meditation is like for me.  It is my medicine, it brings me peace, insight, joy, drive, and most importantly, helps me feel closer to God. It is so easy to lose sight of the importance and value in prayer and silence, but if you are intentional about it daily, I do believe that it is life changing.  Part of this goal is to pray with my husband, Dallas every night.
  5. Have a healthy baby: I know that there isn’t much control that I have over this one goal, but having a healthy baby is of utmost importance to me this year.  I feel like I have been running the longest race of my life, and I am finally running towards the finish line.  A big moment of 2023 will be when I am in the hospital room and I hold my baby girl for the first time, and just sigh (and probably weep) of relief.